I lost a stone in a month with Slimming World before, what happened when I decided to lose more weight? Here's how and why I ditched Slimming World and lost 2 stone.

This is the story of my weight loss journey, how I lost a stone in a month and rejoined a year later. Discover why I decided to ditch Slimming World. I saved hundreds of pounds in weekly fees. I found a way to easily lose 2 stone in 6 months and keep it off with no faffing about with free foods, syns or allowances.

You can skip straight to how to lose 2 stone here if you're short on time. And come back to the story as I am sure you'll recognise my experiences and see how they helped me lose the weight for good. .

Why did I want to lose weight?

"nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"

Kate Moss

This is the most famous weight loss quote and one that many of us grew up with. It sticks in the back of your mind. Of course it's neither true or useful and possibly dangerous but it also means many sensible people do want to be skinny.

 " nothing tastes as good as healthy feels"


Like many of you,my weight has yo-yo'd over the years, I've tried all sorts of diets, fads and nonsense. Anyone else try the hospital diet? It was something like'lose half a stone in a week' – how hospitals prepare overweight people for operations. One day was just fruit, one day just chicken and tomatoes and one day only bananas, or something like that. Did it work? Yes, but within a week that half a stone was back on.

Does being overweight really matter?

I wasn't bothered by my weight at all. Yes sometimes it was frustrating not being able to find the right thing to wear, but mostly, not phased at all. We'd just enjoyed a fabulous Christmas and I'd eaten more than my fair share of mince pies – we have a Sainsburys local within walking distance and their all butter shortcrust bakery mince pies were so delicious, we would enjoy them a few times a week. And I'd eaten a whole Christmas cake and Christmas pudding, well no-one else in our house likes them but I couldn't not buy them. Everyone has their weak spots, oh and cheese boards, yes it was an over indulgent Christmas.

Easy to eat the whole cake

What was the turning point?

In January, feeling pretty rough, I went to the Doctors. I was told my blood pressure was dangerously high and I had to go on tablets immediately. I weighed in at 12 stone 5, I had no idea (leggings are very good at expanding and hiding I realised).

Not really one for taking tablets, I said how about I lose a stone and get healthier, and if that didn't bring my blood pressure down in a month, I'd go on the tablets. No chance – I had to take them. To be fair, when I googled my blood pressure, she had no choice.

Here's a tip – don't google stuff like this– I spent the next week having imaginary stroke symptoms. Anyway….

What was the first step to losing weight?

My first step was to find a free voucher for Slimming World, find out where and when my nearest meeting was and turn up. What happened when I did?

Slimming World or Weight Watchers?

Slimming World and WW (Weight Watchers) are both different versions of the same idea. Both have joining offers and both have plans and weekly weigh ins etc.

My mum and sister had both started Slimming world for the new year. So I did the same, if they had joined WW then I would have joined WW instead.  I found a free joining offer online, googled where my nearest class was and my Slimming World Journey began.

Why do people join Slimming World and why they stay?

I totally get it – why people join and why they stay members for months, even years. After I had my introduction and explanation I got weighed. I signed up for the special 3 month offer (about £60) and was welcomed into the group. I was a bit surprised that our group leader was one of the biggest there but she shared her story and she had already lost 4 stone – inspiring for sure . So the group time was great, everyone was lovely, some were people I'd not seen for years, mums from the school run days, everyone was friendly and they shared stories and tips. Some people had lost pounds, some hadn't.

There was no judgement, just encouragement and some members had reached their goal so still attended and didn't have to pay any more. There were organised social events and everyone had bought something healthy for the winner (the person who had lost the most weight that week). Great, I went home, poured through the booklets and planned my shopping and meals for the week.

I lost a stone in a month with Slimming World

Yep, fast forward 4 weeks (and £60 spend) and I had lost a stone, I'd stuck to the rules 100%, weighed in every week and stayed for a couple of meetings. I stopped the blood pressure tablets, stopped going to Slimming World and my weight pretty much stayed the same until last year, when one comment made me decide I wanted to lose more weight. I was 11 and a half stone, which is just within the healthy weight range.

What is a healthy weight for your height?

15 years ago I was 9 and a half stone, all fine, single and running regularly, an easy size 10 with no effort. I didn't think about my weight at all and had no idea what a 'healthy weight' was.

My height is 5ft 7 and the NHS guidelines healthy weight range is between 9st 5 and 11st 4, now thats a massive range. That's any size from 8 to 14. Not helpful really.

NHS Healthy weight chart

This NHS Healthy weight chart does not take into account anything but height. You don't need a chart to tell you that you need to lose weight do you?

How do you put on weight over time?

Somehow over the next decade, I don't really know how, the pounds just crept on. Let's look at the science.

You put on weight if you eat more calories than you burn.

For the average person3,500 calories equals about 1 pound (0.45 kilogram) of fat.

So for every 3,500 calories you eat OVER what you burn then you will put on a pound in weight.

3,500 calories is a lot. You'd have to be doing some serious eating and drinking to put on half a stone in a week. That's an excess calorie count of 24,500 calories to gain half a stone. Here is some context. Roughly how many calories are in?

Hot cross bun 85
Hot cross bun with butter 215
Bar of Dairy Milk 630
Take away cod and chips 800
Bottle of Wine 600
One pint of beer 180
Roast dinner with yorkies, roasties and gravy 1000
Quarter of a homemade banana loaf 285
How many calories are in?

So a small bar of Dairy Milk (one of the multipack bars) is 120g and a whopping 630 calories. A homemade banana loaf is around 190 per serving. A loaf apparently serves 12. Rubbish, we make this one and the 4 of us demolish it between us as it is so delicious. It's easy to see how the odd extra indulgence adds a pound here and there. And a year later you see the results.

What made me want to lose more weight?

We were chosen to be filmed in Cyprus for the TV programme 'A Place in the Sun'. We had applied a year or so before and we had about 4 weeks notice before filming. It fleetingly crossed my mind that TV adds pounds to you, and I thought that people who knew me years ago, may look at me and think 'what the hell, she's let herself go' and thought I should go on a 6 week diet. Daft I know, but it is what it is. Anyway I didn't bother, my ego's not that fragile, people can think what they think, whatever.

So we were filming 'A Place in the Sun' in Cyprus – Scarlette Douglas was the presenter (she is awesome by the way and the whole crew were brilliant). One evening we were in Agia Napa, having dinner by the harbour, with Taz' dad Theo, his mum Rita and Ralph, Rita's husband. We were taking photos and Rita said to me

' You know, so you don't look so fat in photos, try to pose like this'

Rita, Mother in Law

She was showing me a kind of sideway stand, breathe in and look over your shoulder way. Oh my god it was hilarious, we were all doing pouty sideways posing (did work sometimes to be fair). Let me be clear, English is Rita's second language and there was only love and helpfulness in those words,nothing rude or hurtful at all, more lost in translation.

Upshot was every time we were being filmed those words popped back into my head leading to very unnatural body positions on camera. Like this.

Stand sideways and breathe in

What happened when we got home?

When we got home I thought, you know what, instead of trying not to look fat, it would be easier just to not be fat. And the decision was made. It wasn't a decision made because I should, or because I wanted to fit into a certain dress for an event or a holiday or any other reason. I just wanted to. Which I think is the key.

I just made it a thing, a change, a decision.

No target, no goal, no fanfare, just do it. My Sister Heather had made a fabulous cake for my Birthday and I could have easily eaten the whole thing, with no thought, no guilt, it tasted as good as it looked and was themost delicious cake EVER. I didn't eat it all, I had a fair few slices for sure but something in my head had flipped. I knew I was ready to lose more weight.

Amazing birthday cake

How often do you 'go back' to Slimming World?

My first thought was Slimming World. I'd lost a stone 18 months before, so let's do that again. I found a free first meeting voucher and off I went. And this is what happened.

It was the same meeting venue and time. Same introduction, weigh in and then the group.What the hell, this was 18 months later, the same group leader was the same size as before. At least half the group were the same people as before.

One fella who I remember being awarded Slimmer of the year last time as he had lost an amazing 5 stone, was there again having put 4 stone of it back on – in 18 months, how do you even do that? The conversations were the same as before, excuses – sorry reasons for not losing weight during the week;

  • Whole tub of Ben and Jerrys
  • Don't worry, you can get back on track this week
  • Had no time to plan
  • It's been a busy week
  • We had family over
  • It was my Birthday

Whilst it was lovely to catch up with everyone,I realised this was not for me.

What makes Slimming world and WW so successful?

So what on earth is going on?

Slimming World in the UK has over 900,000 members attending every week. Membership is £10 but you can usually get that free, so lets ignore that.

Weekly membership is £4.95, less if you get a plan, and once you reach your goal you don't pay.

Let's underestimate the revenues here, say 800,000 of the 900,000 weekly members are paying £4.95 a week.

That's aWEEKLY revenue of just under £4 MILLION.

Now it's clearer, add on the special Slimming World sweets and biscuits and meals and bars and books and, well, that's a fortune.

A year at slimming world costs you over £200 in weekly fees alone.

Does Slimming World exist to help you lose weight or make money?

Look, I am pretty cynical by nature and this is only my view. Slimming World works for many people, I am sure you know plenty of people who have lost weight, kept it off and never returned right?

The Slimming World model is to make money by selling the group/lifestyle/comfort, disguised as weightloss. Like Weightwatchers, just because it's popular does not mean it is the answer.

If it worked then everyone would be a healthy weight and there would be no business.

Lets playSlimming World Bingo,how often have you heard these words said or said them yourself.

  • I'm not eating today because I'm weighing in later
  • Looking forward to a take away after group
  • Will make sure I wear lighter clothes this week
  • Not going this week as I know I've put weight on
  • Will go to a different meeting, give's me an extra couple of days
  • I'm going to rejoin Slimming World as I lost a stone there last time.
  • I've put the weight I lost on again but I can lose it again.

Like I said, I overthink, I had to come up with a different way to lose weight. I looked at the positives and negatives I could take from the Slimming World plan to give me something to work from – for me these were:

Reasons Slimming world is not sustainable long term

  • Time consuming. Yes it's fun at first, interesting and absorbing. Working out what you will eat, free foods and syns. But then, quite quickly for me – a  chore.
  • Too many decisions. You should go for a varied menu. Not for me, thats hard work. Most people have the same core breakfasts and dinners, week in week out. To change to slimming world versions/recipes was energy sapping for me.
  • Joy sapping. If I go out for a meal, I want to have something I wouldn't have at home, something delicious. Getting out the Slimming World calculator at the table and choosing your meal based on that is grim. Pasta and a tomato based sauce mmm not, salad with no dressing, I don't want to go out and pay for that.
  • Cheese. I love cheese, I do not want to have to choose between milk on my (very small bowl of) cereal or a matchbox size piece of cheddar.
  • Ready meals/slimming foods. A mug shot may be a few syns but I don't want to change what I like to eat just to lose weight, I would rather eat half a slice of delicious uncut granary bread than 2 slices of Nimble.
  • Frylight. Really? May as well spray water on the frying pan,  or nothing, pointless. Ditto rice cakes.

What are the positives from Slimming World

I learnt a lot from Slimming world. There are good practices and useful information that everyone should be aware of whether losing weight or not. These include

  • Free foods. Lean meat, fish, vegetables and fruit,
  • Syn values of certain foods. Like a croissant, seriously, I love a croissant and if I have one then I will make sure it's the most delicious one, so if it's dry or meh, then it's not worth it.
  • Alternatives. My go to chocolate bar was a Bounty, now it's either half a bounty or a 2 finger kit kat.
  • Herbs and spices. I learnt how to add great flavour to foods instead of usually using butter and cheese .
  • Fish. Tried a lot of different fish, most of them are delicious
Enjoy wonderful food

Would I recommend Slimming World?

Yes and No. Look this is just my take on Slimming World, I'm not dissing it at all. Just like everything, it doesn't work for everyone, it's not actually designed to work for the majority.

It helped me lose a stone in a month and I learned many new ways of cooking and eating healthier.

If you enjoy it as a social thing and it works for you,fab.

For wonderful inspiration, check out justaveragejen.com this fab website includes Slimming World recipes, weight loss guides and tips (justaveragejen.com)

What products help you to lose weight ?

The trick here is to make your choice to lose weight FUN. You are not denying yourself, you are just making some changes. For these changes to work long term they have to be simple, cheap and enjoyable.

Whether you have never been to Slimming World or have been before, save your £100s of pounds and invest in some of these products instead.

  • Slimming world compatible planner. Essential – you need to make this fun. This one is only £8.95. It is perfect for kicking off your weight loss and covers for 7 weeks. Plenty of time for you to lose at least a stone. There are loads more planners on Amazon , different layouts, lengths, contents and prices, pick any one you like. The most expensive is £39.95.There's no need to spend that!
  • Portion control guide. There are special plates you can get that show you what food and how much of it goes on the plate. I'm not a fan – this is a lifestyle change so you don't need to have a 'special plate' every time you eat – you're not 5! This portion control guide is a template that you put on your normal plate, put your food on , and take it off. And eat like everyone else. You won't need this for long. You will initially be shocked at the recommended portion sizes vs your normal sizes, and can aim towards those portions. There are various ways to control your portions, pick any ones that suit you.
  • Apple slicer. I love this. So you are peckish, apples are boring right? Not with this little gadget. Cores the apple and cuts it into wedges. So much nicer to eat. The snack feels like a treat, not something that 'isn't crisps'. There are plenty of other apple slicers, choose the colour that you like . Make sure you get a simple, sturdy one though.
  • Chip serving baskets. Make food fun, you can easily make slimming world chips and serving them in a basket like this means you don't eat so many plus when you are eating with the family – everyone can enjoy the same food and experience. The chip serving link is for all the fun ways to serve chips.

So how do you lose weight easily?

So with this information I made myself a plan, and Ilost 2 stone on my own and a year later it's still off.  It was actually simple. Have a read and see how easy it was and I will also be adding more related posts so do subscribe to be notified as soon as they are posted and please feel free to share your comments. I'd love to hear if Slimming World worked for you.

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