How to Tell Your Brother You Are Pregnant

pregnancy announcement ideas

These days, announcing your pregnancy isn't as simple as just telling people you're pregnant after you get that first big fat positive. So you're going to need this big fat list of pregnancy announcement ideas to help you through the multiple experiences you're about to have!

First, you'll have to tell your partner. If you have the patience to hold it in, this could be one of the most memorable pregnancy announcements you'll perform, so it's worth spending a little time planning it. (I have absolutely zero patience and literally screamed at my husband that a line had shown up on the pregnancy test. I have big regrets about not planning something special!)

Then, when the time is right, you'll get to announce your pregnancy over and over again! Depending on who's in your life you'll have your parents (and your partner's parents), your siblings, grandparents, extended family, best friends, coworkers, Facebook, Instagram… There are lots of opportunities for you to get creative and enjoy telling the whole world you're having a baby!

First, I'll talk about when you should announce your pregnancy (and why), then we'll get into how to announce your pregnancy in the coolest ways possible.

Why You Should Wait to Announce Your Pregnancy

I don't want to rain on your parade or scare you, but if you've literally just found out you're pregnant after missing your period, you might want to hold off on any kind of baby announcement. It's estimated that between 10 and 15 percent of confirmed pregnancies end in a miscarriage, and the vast majority of those miscarriages occur within the first 12 weeks.

The most common cause of miscarriage is believed to be genetic or chromosomal abnormalities, meaning the baby likely wouldn't have made it to term or survived long (or had a good quality of life) after birth.

But by 13 weeks, the risk of miscarriage drops to roughly 5%, depending on other risk factors like your age and overall health.

When to Announce Your Pregnancy

How does this affect when you should announce your pregnancy? Well, that's entirely dependent on you and what you're comfortable with.

First and foremost, I strongly believe you should, at minimum, tell your partner/the father right away. (This doesn't mean you can't take a day or three to plan a fun pregnancy announcement.) No matter what happens with the pregnancy, it's their baby, too.

I also think it's important to tell your partner early so that if you were to have a miscarriage, you would have someone there to help you work through the emotions related to such a traumatic event.

But what about immediate family? Your mother, your sister? How about your best friend? Should you announce your pregnancy to them right away too?

To find the answer, ask yourself this: How would you feel about telling them your pregnancy ended (for any reason, including elected abortion)?

If you're a more private person and don't rely on your family or friends for a lot of emotional support, you might want to hold off on that round of announcements. You can still tell them before "everyone else," but it doesn't have to be weeks or months ahead of the blanket reveal.

On the other hand, if you know your mother would be your rock in the event of a personal tragedy, announce your pregnancy to her right after you tell your partner.

As for your casual friends, coworkers, and old high school classmates, it's generally best to wait until you're 13 weeks along. Yes, tragedies can happen beyond that point, but they're much less common. And, well, people are going to figure it out eventually. (But just FYI, since I am a plus-size woman, I got away with not announcing my second pregnancy to ANYONE except my husband until I was 21 weeks along and knew the sex of the baby!)

NEED TO KNOW: Pregnancy Week-by-Week: Symptoms and Fetus Growth Stages

How to Announce Your Pregnancy

People are CREATIVE nowadays! There's tons of pregnancy announcement ideas floating around the internet now. Whether you want your announcement to be funny, beautiful, or a puzzle to be solved, there's a lot of great places to start in this list. Letting people know you're expecting a baby is a very special experience, so go with one that makes YOU happiest!

Whenever the time does come to do your baby reveal, keep these tips in mind:

  • If you want to use custom products, don't wait too long to order them – it might take weeks before they arrive, and you might spill the beans by then!
  • Try not to make the occasion seem too "special" or out-of-the-ordinary, so everyone is less likely to see it coming. Try to arrange your pregnancy reveal around a normally scheduled get-together.
  • Have your phone's camera or video feature open and ready to go!
  • Try to give your pregnancy announcement in a well-lit space so your photos and videos have better quality.
  • Keep a straight face! Don't smile too much or put too much focus on the recipient of the announcement until the last minute. And be casual; say something like "Oh! I almost forgot I wanted to give you these that I found the other day."
  • If it doesn't go exactly the way you planned, it's okay. The message is much more important and exciting than the delivery!

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Pregnancy Announcement Ideas to Husband (or the Dad)

(Hey, it's not just married couples having babies. Dad doesn't always mean husband. I'm not judging!)

We're Pregnant! A Book for the New Dad

This fun, modern little book is a perfect surprise baby announcement to a first-time dad. It's a nice gift, it gets the message across immediately, and it'll actually be useful to him! This book handholds expecting fathers through the process of pregnancy while preparing them for what to expect once the baby is here. He'll love it!

Upgrade His Coffee Mug

If you've been trying to get pregnant on purpose and you often bring your partner his coffee in the morning, this gift couldn't be more perfect for announcing your pregnancy to the new dad. You just might not want to bring it to him in bed, in case he startles easily… Try the porch instead!

Remind Him Where Conception Occurred

If you and your partner are from different parts of the world and love traveling together, this is a breathtaking pregnancy announcement to give him! You can have your stick people made out of maps from the places the two of you were born, and the baby outfit can be a map of the place where the baby was conceived. Even if no one else catches on when they see it, your partner will always have a wonderful reminder of that trip! Check out the Etsy shop of the creator of this frame to see if you can order your own.

Give Baby a New Profile

screenshot of the initial Netflix profiles screen, the last profile has a pacifier as the avatar and reads "baby #2"

If you've already had a baby but would like to do a pregnancy announcement for your husband again, try something subtle this time around. Add a new kids' profile to your Netflix, Hulu, or Disney+ account labeled "Baby #2" with an appropriate avatar and wait for him to log in!

RELATED: 35+ Creative Ideas for a Valentine's Day Pregnancy Announcement to Your Husband

Pregnancy Announcement Ideas for Your Family

Even within the definition of "family," there can be a lot of different instances for announcing your pregnancy. From your mom and dad, to your brothers or sisters, your grandparents or cousins, or even the kids you already have, each announcement has the right to be special and unique to the person receiving the news!

Announcing Pregnancy to Your Parents (The Grandparents)

Play a Guessing Game

If you're able to announce your pregnancy to your parents in person, watch the video above for a great idea (I cried at the end!). Put noise-cancelling headphones on your parents and play some light music for them from your phone while you mouth the words "you are going to be a grandfather/grandmother." Their job is to try and repeat what you're saying! (Just don't say "I'm pregnant" – as shown in the video, grandma caught on too quick!)

Send a Little Greeting Card

If your parents don't live close enough to announce your pregnancy in person, just drop a cute greeting card in the mail that casually mentions something about grandbabies. This is a great idea if mom and dad have recently done any kind of favor for you; you can send it under the pretense of a "thank you gift" they should look for in the mail.

Make Mom's Year, Every Year

My intense love for Christmas is a result of my mother's intense love for Christmas. We both collect unique Christmas ornaments and treat tree decorating like trips down memory lane every holiday season. If your mom has the same kind of love for the holidays, a pregnancy announcement ornament is the gift that keeps on giving every year as she remembers the day you told her her first grandchild was on the way! (And you don't have to wait till Christmas to give it – we always buy ornaments in the summer.)

Give Your Dad Something to Look Forward To

Sometimes, for men – particularly men who are not the ones having a baby – a pregnancy announcement ends up feeling a little "meh." They just don't really feel the magic until the baby is there right in front of them. Give your dad (or your partner's dad) a little perspective with this fishing lure pregnancy announcement that really helps him visualize the good times to come!

Let Their First Grandchild Help Out

The best way to do a pregnancy announcement for your parents again is to get the first little surprise involved! Get your kiddo an "Only Child EXPIRES" shirt, then make sure they wear it the next time grandma and grandpa agree to babysit for the evening. If they don't notice right away, go ahead and go on your date – I'm willing to bet they call to interrupt within a few minutes!

Pregnancy Announcement Ideas for Your Brother or Sister

For the Best Sister

I find t-shirts to be the best way to individually honor your siblings with a special pregnancy announcement just for them. If you've got a great sister, she will no doubt be a terrific aunt to your baby. Five bucks says she wears this shirt the day your baby is born! Get it here (with over 20 colors to choose from).

RELATED: 115 Brilliant Pregnancy Announcement Shirts for Every Occasion

Auntie's Own Sippy Cup

Tumblers are always a practical, functional gift for any occasion. A wine tumbler ends up on the "most frequently used" shelf. Get your sister this auntiecorn wine tumbler to let her know she'll have a niece or nephew soon!

Funcle = Fun Uncle

Let your brother know what's expected of him while letting him know you're expecting with this awesome uncle announcement shirt. A funcle is a fun uncle; I'm sure he'll have no trouble filling the job requirements. Get the shirt here (with 5 color options).

Well I'll Be a Monkey's Uncle

Is your brother a beer drinker? Give him a six-pack of his favorite brew with these custom beer labels slapped on 'em! He definitely won't recognize the brand, so he's sure to read the fine print. (And you're pregnant, so you have an excuse not to drink one with him! Because beer is gross! HA!)

Ideas for Telling Your Other Kids You're Pregnant

NOTE: You might want to wait to tell your baby's older siblings that you're pregnant until the rest of your immediate family has already enjoyed a special pregnancy announcement. In case you didn't know, younger children are notoriously awful at keeping secrets!

Read a New Story Together

If you've just got one child that's still a toddler or pretty young, get them You're the Biggest to read at bedtime! It will help them understand that a new baby will be there soon and they will get to teach the baby everything they know.

Give Them Good Fortune

If the new baby's older siblings are old enough to read – and your family enjoys an occasional dinner of Chinese takeout – surprise your other children with custom pregnancy announcement fortunes in their cookies! You can order a batch of custom fortune cookies here.

Make Them Work Together

This is an extremely creative pregnancy announcement for your kids that can be used whether you have one other child or a big brood! Just get a fun puzzle (literally anything your kids would like) and choose the puzzle difficulty based on the ages and abilities of your children. Before letting them have at it, put it together yourself and write your pregnancy announcement message on the back, then break it up again and mix up all the pieces (but keep the message facing down!).

Make sure the pieces are on a piece of clear glass or plastic. Set a timer to get your kids working together for a special surprise, then lift the glass so they can read the message!

Let Them See for Themselves

If you've got older children and your doctor will allow it, just tell them you have to go to the doctor for a checkup and that you'd like them to come with you. Talk to your doctor, ultrasound tech, and/or office administrator ahead of time so everyone knows not to say too much until the ultrasound is being performed. Once your kid hears the heartbeat and sees that little bean jumping around on the monitor, their mind will be BLOWN!

Pregnancy Announcement Ideas for Your Friends

Do Not Refill Wine Glass

wine with a note reading "do not refill until December" above a sonogram

If you're a lover of wine (hello, kindred spirit) but will be abstaining during pregnancy, the next time you get together for your usual wine-and-dine is the perfect opportunity to announce your pregnancy to your friends! You don't have to mass-text a staged photo like the one above. Just tuck the "do not refill until [due date]" card in your purse and stick it to your wine glass at the dinner table to give everyone a fun surprise!

Have a Screening Party

What to Expect When You're Expecting promotional image

Do you and your bestie(s) like to have the occasional movie night? Offer to host, and set the scene: screen What to Expect When You're Expecting, serve baby back ribs with a side of glazed baby carrots, and put your hands on your lower back every time you get up. If they still haven't guessed by the end of the night, serve everyone with some baby-rattle cake pops.

Pregnancy Announcement Ideas to Coworkers (At Work)

Ask for Their Full Support

It's always a special day at work when someone randomly brings donuts in! The only thing sweeter is the pregnancy announcement waiting for your coworkers inside the donut box lid. This is also an easy, affordable DIY pregnancy announcement perfectly appropriate for people you're only telling because they're going to have to know eventually.

Spell it Out for Them

When I announced my first baby to my coworkers, it was right at Valentine's Day. I bought a premade pack of heart-shaped sugar cookies already covered in stiff royal icing, as well as a tube of red decorator frosting. I wrote one letter on each cookie so they would spell "I AM PREGNANT" together. At work, I went around the office letting everyone pull a cookie from the package, then I told everyone there was a message in the cookies, but they had to work together! They all shouted the letter they had and figured out the message in no time. (I was genuinely impressed.)

Funny Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

Netflix and Chill Went Too Far

Viral pregnancy announcements always start with a play on modern memes! Your friends and family will get a kick out of this hilarious Netflix and chill baby onesie. Bonus: You can use it in your pregnancy announcement photos AND it still works for your baby to wear after they're born (since it doesn't say "due" or "coming soon").

The Funny Letterboard Photo

Letter board pregnancy announcements are a hot social media trend, and for good reason! They're cheap, they make your message look more polished and official, and you can use it in any kind of scenery. Plus, you can spell out something hilariously inappropriate and make people feel weird to see it on such a "professional" sign. Get your own letterboard for your pregnancy announcement photo here!

She's Eating for Two, He's Drinking for Two

You can get these shirts from Blondarazzi Designs and give everyone a good chuckle. Sure, moms are notoriously always assumed to be "eating for two." But since you can't enjoy alcohol while pregnant (or at least, not as much), your partner might decide to pick up the slack by "drinking for two"! This funny pair of shirts can also be tucked away to use for future pregnancies.

Shoutout to the 90s Kids

A solid, memorable pregnancy announcement doesn't have to cost a lot of money in preparation. Just stop at the gas station, get a couple of jumbo bags of ice, and let the lyrics of "Ice Ice Baby" do the talking for you!

Riddle Me Pasta

If you've got a jar of Prego pasta sauce in your cabinet, you've got all you need for a pregnancy announcement photo at home! Emphasize that your partner's doing the wine drinking while you're enjoying all-you-can-eat Italian for a cute, funny picture.

Announce Pregnancy with the Dog

It'll Become His Favorite Scarf

If you have a fur baby that's been helping you practice for the "real thing," let them help you announce your pregnancy, too! This adorable dog scarf (in small and large sizes) will cover all your needs. You can put it on before your partner comes home one day to tell them; you can put it on before having a family dinner or party at your house and wait for someone to call you on it; and you can take pictures of your dog wearing the scarf and post it to your social media, too.

Poor Little Guy

No matter how much you love your fur baby, there's just no way he can hang on to the #1 spot in your heart once the baby's here. Let your dog have one last photoshoot with his human parents by himself, and take the opportunity to get a pregnancy announcement photo out of it!

Ways to Announce Pregnancy on Social Media (Facebook + Instagram)

Create a Custom Image

You don't need lots of props or a fancy backdrop to get a great photo for your social media pregnancy announcement. Use an editable template! With this one, you can move, delete, or alter all of the elements and customize it with your own text on the calendar. Move the heart over your due date and even upload your own sonogram!

Movie Poster Pregnancy Announcement

Has life felt like you're in a movie since seeing that positive test? Then announce your pregnancy on social media with a personalized movie poster! You can get this movie poster customized with your own names, photo, and due date before uploading it to your Facebook or Instagram. It looks so much like a real movie poster, people might have to do a double-scroll before they realize it's actually you that's pregnant!

The Classic Onesie™

One of the OG methods of announcing pregnancies on social media, a custom baby bodysuit photographed with various baby toys, shoes, or your sonogram and pregnancy test is tried-and-true. These onesies also make nice keepsakes if you want to keep a pregnancy box.

Sketch Artist

If you've got artistic talent, don't you DARE spend any money on your social media pregnancy announcement! Immortalize the moment you and your partner realized you were pregnant with your own imagining of the moment, whether it's in paints, oils, digital art, or a simple sketch. No purchased pregnancy announcement could ever mean as much as something like this would.

Twin + Triplet Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

Hot Dog, It's Twins!

This mom has obviously been waiting for her pregnancy for a while… And she got double-blessed. If you're in the same boat and love dogs, this is pretty much the only pregnancy announcement you're allowed to use, because I LOVE IT. You can get dachshund onesies for your twins here!

Sneak Peek the Nursery

Perhaps everyone already knows you're pregnant, but they assume you're only having one. Hang up these adorable twin elephant prints in the babies' room, take some "progress" photos of the nursery, and wait for people to notice.

Beef Up the Equation

A lot of people are familiar with the old 1 + 1 = 3 pregnancy announcement. But when the equation shows up as 1 + 1 = 5…. well, that's going to get some gears turning! Eventually, they'll realize that not only are you announcing your pregnancy, you're announcing you're pregnant with triplets!

No One Plans for This

While the usual baby onesie photo announcement might be getting a little stale, one that incorporates three of them will still have a pretty solid impact! These three onesies will help you announce your triplet pregnancy… and signal for HELP.

Surprise Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

Accidentally Buy Baby Stuff, Too

You ever hear of people "accidentally" ordering stuff off of Amazon after their Echo/Alexa overheard them say something kinda like it? Well, this goes along nicely with an "accidental" pregnancy. Order a bunch of baby products, then when they come in the mail, have your partner open the box! You can leave it lying around for family to see when they come to visit, too, or take a picture of the open box for your social media.

Hot Tip: If you create an Amazon Baby Registry then spend $10+ on items from it, they'll send you a "Welcome Box" with up to $35 in FREE baby products! It's amazing!

Surprise the Whole Family at Once

Wouldn't it be nice to capture your entire family's reactions to your pregnancy announcement surprise on camera? The problem is, a lot of family members don't like to be on camera unless they've had time to groom themselves. Plus, pointing a camera at your parents before randomly giving them a gift could spoil the surprise (they're not stupid!). Organizing a group reveal under the pretense of a family photoshoot is the ultimate surprise pregnancy announcement!

Own Up to the Unexpected

There's no reason you have to pretend a surprise pregnancy was planned. An unexpected baby can be loved just as much! Let everyone know the circumstances of conception in your announcement… and that you couldn't be more thrilled with how things are turning out. (You can get a cinema lightbox just like the one used in this picture!)

Ideas for Announcing Second (or More) Pregnancy

There's Already an Assistant to the Regional Manager

Only fans of The Office will get this announcement, but the good news is, that's pretty much everyone (well, all the cool people, anyway). You're the Regional Manager, mama. Baby #1 is Assistant to the Regional Manager. So, of course, baby #2 is going to be the Assistant to the Assistant to the Regional Manager! Duh-wight! You can get the onesies from this Office pregnancy announcement here.

Serve 'em with Papers

If your first child is still sleeping in your crib, now might be the time to get them used to a toddler bed! This colorful eviction notice is an adorable pregnancy announcement idea.

Everyone's Silent Nights are Ending

Has it, umm, been a while since your last baby? This is an adorable way to include your older children in your pregnancy announcement. Now they're getting payback for all the nights they kept you up! (And the "silent nights" pregnancy quote is especially perfect to use when announcing around Christmas time!)

Growing a Pumpkin Patch

This super-duper cute and clever pregnancy announcement is an excellent way to announce the expansion of an already-big family! What's one more little pumpkin in the patch, after all? Just wait until you've got a baby bump-kin to take the photos. (I mean, if it's your sixth one, you've probably got the patience of a saint. Piece of cake.)

DIY Pregnancy Announcement Ideas + Supplies

If you've been inspired by the pregnancy announcement ideas above but aren't sure where to start in creating your own, I've got you! We're gonna talk a little bit about how to make your unique pregnancy announcement, because you don't really need a professional photoshoot nor do you have to learn at-home photography. I'm also going to link to some awesome products to use in your pregnancy announcement that make it both easy and memorable!

Let's Avo-Cuddle

If you're a skilled knitter and an avocado lover, there's no better way to announce your pregnancy than knitting a pair of avocado halves with a "seed" baby belly on one of them. You can use this avocado pair knitting pattern, then get creative with adding the faces, masculine or feminine features, and the little heart on the seed to make the pregnancy metaphor clear.

Pop Quiz

If you happen to be a teacher, give your kids this worksheet to break the big news! There are two versions for both younger and older students. It'll keep them busy for a while, too, which is exactly what an expecting teacher needs.

Scratch-Off Cards

You can get a pack of realistic lottery scratchers to announce your pregnancy to either a group of people at once or individuals! Just pass them out along with some coins to use for scratching, turn on your phone's video camera, and wait for someone to scream.

Pregnancy Announcement Wine Labels

These baby announcement wine labels allow you to give gifts to your friends and family in honor of your new arrival, as well as immediately give them a drink to celebrate with! Just soak some wine bottles from the store in cool (not hot) water mixed with a little baking soda to remove the original label, then put your special one in its place!

Quotes for Announcing Your Pregnancy

We decided we were bored with having money and doing whatever we wanted.

Whatever DIY pregnancy announcement you choose, you're probably going to want a solid quote to use in the photos. Here's a few great ones to choose from:

  • "We decided we were bored with having money and doing whatever we wanted."
    Someone else will be in charge soon.
  • "Even miracles take a little time." – Cinderella
    If you've been trying for a long time and love Disney, this is the one for you!
  • "Every superhero needs a sidekick!"
    Excellent for announcing your second baby!
  • "After every storm comes a rainbow."
    Rainbow babies are born after miscarriages, and it's perfectly acceptable to announce your pregnancy while remembering the one you lost.
  • "We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents." – Bob Ross
    A heartwarming quote for announcing an unplanned pregnancy.

There you have it! A very modern list of clever pregnancy announcement ideas to cover any and all occasions, circumstances, and people in your life.

Have you already announced one pregnancy? How did you do it? Which of these ideas do you plan on using this time? Let me know in the comments!

Michelle is a two-time veteran mom of almost seven years with a passion for family life, celebrations, food, and printables. Read more about her serendipitous journey to motherhood here.

How to Tell Your Brother You Are Pregnant


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